W-Seal Expansion Joints

About the product
Compression seal has been used to seal movements of less than 75 mm for nearly 40 years. The compression seal relies on the force created by the internal web configuration to apply enough pressure against the sidewall of the expansion joint to remain watertight. In many cases, after a few years, the seal hardens and the “compression set” of the polymer reduces the force being applied against the sidewall and, therefore does not permit the seal to remain watertight. The hardening of the seal also prohibits the adhesive from being able to pull the seal open when the expansion joint contracts.
The W-Seal is on the approved product list for expansion joints by Walker Parking Consultants. Parking garages have often been sites for poor expansion joint practice. Walker Parking Consultants view the W-Seal as a breakthrough between compression seals and cast-in-place “wing seals.” The arch effect enables the W-Seal to comply with the American Disabilities Act (ADAAG), thereby enabling it to compete against far more expensive expansion joint systems. The W-Seal can be considered a link between compression seals and strip seals in that W-Seal can obtain significantly more movement than compression seals, although not as much as larger strip seals.
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